Paula Tavares Pinto
Beatriz Curti Contessoto
Carolina Tavares de Carvalho
Cecília Nevack de Britto
Celso Fernando Rocha
Diva Cardoso de Camargo
Eduardo Batista da Silva
Emiliana Fernandes Bonalumi
Franciele Spinelli
Francine de Assis Silveira
Jeane Cardoso Costa
Luciano Franco da Silva
Liliane Mantovani
Luana Aparecida Nazzi Laranja
Luana Viana dos Santos
Maria Camila Morais de Sousa
Mayra Aparecida dos Santos, Talita Serpa
Conselho editorial:
Camila Hölfling (UFSCar)
Sandra Mari Kaneko Marques (Unesp)
The e-book “Corpora and Artificial Intelligence for Academic Students” offers us a guide of activities that integrates digital corpora and artificial intelligence tools, focusing on academic writing and listening. Interactivity is a central element in all the e-book’s activities since the tools and platforms used are embedded in the lessons through specific links, providing teachers and students with easy and direct access, as well as active learning. Our hope is that this e-book serves as a practical and effective resource for English language teachers and students, so that, through all the proposed activities, they can develop linguistic skills that encompass the use of digital corpora and artificial intelligence tools—skills that are undoubtedly necessary in today’s educational context. (October/2024 – Jeane Cardoso Costa e Carolina Tavares de Carvalho)